


Priory has made me a better person because it made me learn about myself, 现在我知道我到底是谁了.


易胜博YSB88于1957年由七名匈牙利僧侣创建, 我们从一开始就举办了寄宿项目. Students from all over the country and all over the world have called our campus home. Spending your high school years at Silicon Valley’s only boarding school offers many opportunities to live and study on a tranquil campus in one of the most innovative areas on the planet.

Priory的寄宿计划与大多数学校不同. Our 登机的程序 is integrated into the daily life of our day program and maintains distinctive social and emotional programming that only a program of our size can accommodate. We invite you to read more about the philosophy and curriculum of Priory’s 登机的程序

你是从美国以外的地方申请的吗? 如果是这样,不要忘记访问我们的 国际学生”页面获取更多信息!

Woodside Priory is proud to sponsor I-20 Visas for residential program participants only.


  • 步骤1:创建Ravenna帐户

    自1957年成立以来, the 登机的程序 has been an indelible part of the 易胜博YSB88 community. 今天,大约有50名学生选择积极参与, 对隐修会寄宿社区有贡献的成员, 由专门的住宿学院指导.

    All applicants must create a Ravenna account in order to navigate through the application season. This requirement includes applicants who apply to our 登机的程序 through the SAO. 要开始,请访问 拉文纳中心 并将易胜博YSB88添加到您的仪表盘中.
  • 第二步:提交申请

    Applicants can apply to Priory's 登机的程序 in two ways by either completing and submitting the boarding application through Ravenna or submitting the SAO. 

    通过SAO申请的申请人, please remember that all applicants are required to set up a Ravenna account and add 易胜博YSB88 to their Ravenna Dashboards. 录取决定只会通过拉文纳公布.
  • 第三步:面试

    考虑到我们寄宿项目的规模, boarding applicants will be given an opportunity to meet with a member of the residential faculty and/or admissions team and speak about why Priory's 登机的程序 may be a good fit.

    Applicants must complete and successfully submit all pieces of their admissions application before an interview can be scheduled. 

    *Applicants from Mainland China should plan to submit a Vericant Interview in lieu of a faculty meeting.
  • 第四步:为你的录取决定做准备

    登机 admissions decisions for Woodside Priory will be published in Ravenna on 3月8日, 2024. Initial offers of admission must be accepted (or declined) by families by 3月 15, 2024.  在此期间, admitted students should contact the 招生 Office should they have any questions about the Priory.

    Students offered a place in the Wait Pool may be considered for admission throughout the spring and summer months. Information for applicants in the wait pool will be provided on 3月 10.



  • 易胜博YSB88位于哪里?

    Woodside Priory sits in the very heart of the world's technology industry. Our campus is less than 30 minutes from the headquarters of companies like Apple, 脸谱网, 谷歌, 和甲骨文. 我们走读学生的许多家庭都在科技行业工作.

    Stanford University is a short 10-minute drive away from the Priory and 40 miles (64 kilometers) away from the beautiful city of 旧金山. Our 登机的程序 includes activities for students every weekend away from campus which allows our students to visit world-class museums, 参加表演和体育赛事, 尝试新餐厅, 体验旧金山湾区的许多地区.
  • 哪个机场离Priory最近?

    Our 50-acre (20-hectare) campus is located an equidistant short 30 minutes away from both 旧金山 International Airport and Mineta San José International Airport, 通过直飞航班将湾区与世界许多地方连接起来.
    • Priory的住宿学院有什么不同?

      在易胜博YSB88, our residential faculty are unique as their primary responsibility is to our boarding students. 对大多数教员来说, this understanding means they begin their workday at 3:00 pm and end by midnight after ensuring all students are in their rooms. 专注于健康和健康, 我们要求所有9年级和10年级的寄宿生晚上11点前上床睡觉. Upper-level students are strongly encouraged to follow similar schedules.

      Some residential faculty may also serve as coaches and teach a class or two during the school day. 然而, these additional responsibilities are allowed only after years of service to our 登机的程序 and are only granted when the other duties do not interfere with their residential responsibilities.
    • 周末有什么活动可以做?

      周围有许多自然保护区, our campus is nestled among mountains where there are plentiful horse farms, 小径, 以及附近的海滩. 不足为奇的是, there are many opportunities to participate in outdoor activities all around including hiking, 攀爬, 冲浪, 和骑.

      我们的寄宿计划为学生定期组织郊游, taking full advantage of the opportunities in the 旧金山 Bay Area and Northern California region.
    • 寄宿申请人是否需要当地监护人?

      是的. Local guardians serve as an essential link between the residential faculty and the student's family. Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek out family contacts in the 旧金山 Bay Area early. 

      国际学生有时有一个亲戚网络, 以及美国各地的亲密朋友, 这些人可以提供帮助. 然而, all guardians for Priory international boarding students must reside in the State of California, specifically within the nine counties of the 旧金山 Bay Area (Alameda, 柯斯, 马林, 纳帕, 圣克拉拉, 圣克鲁斯, 旧金山, 索拉诺, 或索诺玛县).

      Students will be asked to disclose the name and contact information of their local guardian once they enroll at Woodside Priory.
    • 你们的项目有年龄要求吗?






      • 生活中的周末



    在我们的虚拟信息会议期间, the 招生 Team will give an overview of the program and the application process, and two current boarding students will provide their insights into campus life at Priory. 

    在你的 拉文纳门户.


    日期 位置
    2023年9月27日 格林维尔,南卡罗来纳州
    2023年10月21日 波哥大,哥伦比亚
    2023年10月23日至25日 墨西哥城,墨西哥
    2023年11月5-6日 斯德哥尔摩,瑞典
    2023年11月7日至9日 瑞典哥德堡
    2023年11月10日至12日 贝尔格莱德,塞尔维亚
    2023年11月14日 Pannonhalma、匈牙利
    2023年11月19日 土耳其伊斯坦布尔


    • September 5, 2023: Applications available for Fall 2024 on Ravenna or SAO
    • 2024年1月9日:通过SAO或Ravenna提交申请
    • January 20, 2024: TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test results must be received
    • 3月8日, 2024: 招生 Decisions are released online through your Ravenna account only
    • 2024年3月22日:入学答复截止日期


    ©2022 易胜博YSB88 School. 版权所有.